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  • Writer's pictureCereal Squared

Spring Clinging

There comes a time every year for Canadians that has become as traditional as the maple leaf. I'm talking about that period where the winter recedes, and glimpses of warmer weather come into view. Our Christmas decorations find their permanent home again after much use during the festive season; The sun begins to set later in the day; The accumulated autumn foliage once blanketed in snow, has melted away. Thus beginning the yearly tradition of spring cleaning. That time where we dust off our lawn tools and strategize outdoor cleaning solutions for the coming season. A season full of bright sunshiny days, hope, and optimism.

Still haven't brought my Christmas stuff, but spring cleaning is right around the corner

These past few years have been different though haven't they? There have simply been too many social issues at the forefront of our consciousness to think of anything normally. Everyday seems to harbour more events that fill us with as much optimism, as it does pessimism. For every success in the world, another failure. To the point where it can seem hopeless at times to do even the smallest things. Somedays it is harder to get out of bed than others. Sometimes it's easier to get our work done, than other times where it is a slog to get through. It can be hard sometimes to focus on the little things, when there are always so many big things happening in the world at any given time. It can all be so overwhelming. Remember when times were simpler? The unfortunate truth is that times were harder. Even the smallest things were harder, but it seemed like we were all happier. The difference now is that our awareness of it is working against us.

Photo I took at a Black Lives Matter protest

Think about it; We have accepted the use of our phones and social media as an everyday part of our lives; Nothing we're going to do about that. The thing we all need to remember is that we are intaking more information at any given time, than ever before in human history. More advertising, more media, more entertainment, more influence. All the while we have been given a window into life around the globe. More poignantly; A window to how bad conditions are in certain parts of the world. It's like sensory overload. Now with a pandemic currently ongoing it may seems that holding onto hope can be futile at times. That's why spring cleaning is so important.

Got the cleaning supplies; Got the good tunes; Time to go!

It allows us to reassess the future in a light that seems hopeful. To make preparations for better conditions. In terms of climate, and life. The best thing about it, is that you don't have to necessarily break any of the current pandemic restrictions to do it. There are so many guides online to help you get started; From clearing space in cluttered rooms, to cleaning and organizing spaces you haven't touched in awhile. There is nothing like the feeling of being in a new cleaned space. Having a more open and clean place to exist allows your mind to expand and be comfortable in the space you're in. That comfort is priceless. So get up, and get moving. Who knows? After your space feels all tidy and new, maybe you'll read that book you've been putting off. Maybe you'll watch that movie you've been waiting to watch. In the meantime, I'm just going to go mess with some cereal and see what happens.

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